BP Hill
The Big Picture of Humanity in life and living

Humanity has purpose.

God is real, God created Adam and Eve in his image, Jesus Christ is God’s son, and all people ever born on this planet are related to these key planet earth individuals who are part of the human family of God. And mortality was designed so that we can each get sick, we can each get hurt, we each get old, and eventually we all each someday die.

But because of God and Jesus Christ and their Plan of Happiness, every person ever born onto this planet is also someday going to resurrect from the dead to become a particular resurrected glory person. This is based upon Jesus’ Atonement and his Son of God role and his Savior of the world ability and status, and based upon how each individual chooses and decides to daily and generally live their lives and practice their humanity. So everyone is going to become a forever existing immortal human-being because of God and because of Jesus Christ and because of themselves. Afterwhich they get to live in the glory of heaven or the no-glory of hell, or in some other glory and place out there in the universe based upon Jesus’ Savior and Judge of the world status and role. And it is a person’s resurrected glory existence after the last day of this planet’s mortality, that each individual and their families are going to be allowed to exist in and participate in and live with, every single day of the rest of their forever human existence.
... And forever is just a long long long long time!

So our right now life and living mortality time is our education time, for us to learn how to successfully exist as good human beings and for Jesus to see how much effort we are personally willing to put forth into figuring it all out. And for us to live like heaven and Jesus and God want each of us to live. It’s our probation time, to test us to see how we each daily decide and choose to live, and to see who we really want to become and be as a member of the forever existing and forever expanding human family of Heavenly Father. And we get to do this for the rest of right now today and for the rest of everyday today forever.
... And that’s what all of mortality is trying to figure out!

So God and Jesus Christ and their gospel are daily trying to teach us how to create general good success, how to create decent human friend and family relationships, how to create God’s definition of true and sincere and real happiness, and how to create Jesus’ definition of love for God, love for our neighbors, and love for ourselves. So love is the result of it all!
... These are the key purposes of now and forever humanity.

Thus all together this is the big picture of humanity in life and living.


Contact us at BP Hill to become better involved in fulfilling
life’s big picture for yourself, for your family, and for God.
